EFL Equipped for Life
Together we can make a difference
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ"
An attitude of gratitude has the power to decrease depression & increase our ability to cope.
Our body’s ability to produce antibodies decreases during high levels of stress. It is crucial we stay calm as possible and look after our immune health to decrease susceptibility to viral infections. Good mental health is crucial for a healthy immune system.
Please note: This information is provided as an educational purpose and to encourage you to stay well during the crisis,
and not to be taken as therapeutic advice.
"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances "
Book of Thessalonias
Science of gratitude
According to science, gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions we have. It decreases depression, enhances empathy, improves our ability to problem-solve, builds resilience and hope.
It simply changes our brain chemistry & empowers us to thrive. Gratitude simply changes brain chemistry by producing important neural transmitters. When thinking shifts from negative to positive, chemicals such as dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin are released, contributing to the feelings of closeness, connection and happiness that come with gratitude. We can certainly use an attitude of gratitude to get through the coming weeks and moths.
Count your blessings
Start turning off automatic thoughts of fear and anguish attached to the current crisis. Think intentionally and consciously notice what you can be grateful for. Notice the blessings before your mind tries to focus on possible negative outcomes. There are so many blessings around you. Focus on these and help strengthen your immune system. For example, appreciate that you are in one of the richest countries in the world. We have access to one of the best health care systems in the world. Unlike a sudden earthquake, this is something we can do something about. How we choose to respond to has a vast impact on how we go through. Reflect on a time you got through something you were so anxious about. You are a survivor.
Shifting the focus
If we keep wishing that this crisis never happened we would only feel powerless and depressing. Because we cannot change what happened., instead, be thankful you are given an opportunity to do what you can to stay safe. Life may be little inconvenient for a while. Be thankful that you are not in a place where there is no access to resources at all. Remind yourself of any good things that can come out of this situation. There is always something good in every situation, we don’t always notice it during stressful times.
People are all over the country caring and supporting one another. despite all the hostility goodness and kindness is spreading right across the country. notice many good things as possible to focus on. Make your conversations about gratitude and hope.
Make this a daily practice and start boosting your mental status and your immune system. We are not powerless. Let's focus on what is within our control. How we respond to any situation is within our control.
Game of gratitude
PLay a game of gratitude with your family. If you are alone, call a friend or play it online.
Idea is to see if you have everything you cannot live without and anything else is a bonus.
Each day start a new game. The game never stops.
This will encourage people to think intentionally about the things we take for granted.
Apart from encouraging interaction virtual or in-person, this help reduces the impact of negativity around us.